The Heart and The Breath of Love
"Heart Rate Variability (HRV) : The Science and the Poetry of Love". From Biofeedback Magazine - Winter Edition, 2005
Expressing life’s wisdom: nurturing heart-brain development starting with infants
A 1999 Interview with Joseph Chilton Pearce. ‘The idea that we can think with our hearts is no longer just a metaphor, but is, in fact, a very real phenomenon.
The science of the heart science of the heart: exploring the role of the heart in human performance
An overview of research conducted by the Institute of HeartMath
The promise of HRV biofeedback: some preliminary results and speculations
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is not only of interest as a powerful predictor of cardiac and other health outcomes, but can be used in a new and promising mode of biofeedback. This article describes some recent promising applications in HRV biofeedback.’ From Psychophysiology Today - Issue 1 (2004)